About Me

I was born and grew up in Coburg, Germany and attended the Gymnasium Ernestinum. From 1979 to 1987 I studied psychology and German literature at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. In 1986, I received a Masters Degree in philosophy from the Munich School of Philosophy, which is one the of European Jesuit Universities. In 1988 I moved to Berkeley, California, and eventually became an American citizen. I continued my studies in psychology, philosophy, and theology in 1993, and was licensed as a psychotherapist in the State of California in 2000. In 2001, I received a Doctoral degree from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. Currently, I teach philosophy at the California State University of the East Bay, and I also work as a psychotherapist in private practice in Oakland, California.

My websites have helped me to create valuable connections and friendships across the Internet. If some of the ideas here resonate with you, feel free to send me an email, or connect with me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Linkedin.

Thank you for visiting!

Forest near Coburg