Useful Websites
This collection of links contains content-rich websites for orientation and research.
If we think of knowledge as space, its topology is transforming rapidly in terms of density, complexity, connectedness, and new forms of representation.
We can “map” information and how it flows; the picture behind shows a recent map of the Internet.
Oxford Art Online Oxford Art Online offers access to a very comprehensive and easily searchable online art resource.
Webmuseum Virtual museum offering access to art masterpieces. Artist index and a thematic index.
Wiki Paintings Encyclopedia of fine arts. The project aims to create high-quality, most complete and well-structured online repository of fine art. Non-profit, no advertisement.
Catalogue of Life. Authoritative list of the world's species - maintained by hundreds of global taxonomists.
Evolution Portal on PBS With resources, videos, and links to TV shows.
NewScientist on Evolution Research articles about Evolution
Understanding Evolution Official site from the UC Berkeley
Worldatlas: Good geographic resource, uncluttered and fact-based. Includes country maps and other data.
Facts and Details: Asia Insights into countries and cultures: Mainly Japan, China, South East Asia
Global Issues: Social Justice Social, Political, Economic and Environmental Issues That Affect Us All
The World Factbook: Country Information compiled by the CIA provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities.
Investopedia: Education about the Economy, News, Investments. Investopedia was founded in 1999 with the mission of simplifying financial decisions and information.
World Bank: With 189 member countries, staff from more than 170 countries, and offices in over 130 locations, the World Bank works for sustainable solutions, poverty reduction, and prosperity in developing countries.
International Monetary Fund: It was founded in 1944, has 190 Member States, over a trillion dollars of lending is available, and publishes yearly reports on the world economy. Also provides research data.
Library of Economics and Liberty The Library of Economics and Liberty is dedicated to advancing the study of economics, markets, and liberty. It offers a unique combination of resources for students, teachers, researchers, and aficionados of economic thought.
Our World in Data
Gallup World. Worldwide useful data
World in Data: The goal is to make the knowledge on the big problems accessible and understandable. The mission is to publish the research and data to make progress against the world’s largest problems.
Statista: Provider of market and consumer data: Many Sources, free and paid access.
Gapminder – Almost nobody knows the basic global facts! Gapminder is an independent Swedish foundation with no political, religious or economic affiliations. Gapminder is a fact tank, not a think tank. Gapminder fights devastating misconceptions about global development.
Worldometer: Real Time World Statistics
Electronic Texts
Open Textbook Library: Freely available textbooks to use in Classrooms.
Access to Insight – Readings in Theravada Buddhism It contains the text of the Pali Canon, and explanations of Theravada Buddhism. It publishes the classics of literature, nonfiction, and reference free of charge. Great Resource.
Catholic Encyclopedia The Catholic Encyclopedia, as its name implies, proposes to give its readers full and authoritative information on the entire cycle of Catholic interests, action and doctrine.
Some Texts from Early Modern Philosophy. Some classics of early modern philosophy, and a few from the 19th century, prepared with a view to making them easier to read while leaving intact the main arguments, doctrines, and lines of thought. Also has audio versions.
Christian Classics Library A full-text resource for many authors, not only Christian.
Deutsches Text Archiv Contains German-language text from 1700 to 1900.
Internet Classics Archive Select from a list of 441 works of classical literature by 59 different authors, including user-driven commentary and "reader's choice" Web sites. Mainly Greco-Roman works (some Chinese and Persian), all in English translation.
Internet Global History Sourcebook It contains many sources. The global history shows the interaction between cultures; they are also many country and period source collections. From Fordham University.
Internet History Sourcebooks Project The Internet History Sourcebooks Project is a collection of public domain and copy-permitted historical texts presented cleanly (classroom-ready) for educational use. From Fordham University.
Literature Network 3000 full books and over 4000 short stories and poems by over 250 authors. Our quotations database has over 8500 quotes.
Marxists Internet Archive The best resource for Marxist texts on the Internet.
Perseus Digital Library This text collection covers the history, literature and culture of the Greco-Roman world. They extend their approach now from the Classics to other subjects within the humanities and beyond.
Project Gutenberg Project Gutenberg offers over 38,000 free ebooks: choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online. They were digitized and proofread with the help of thousands of volunteers.
Project Wittenberg Texts by and About Martin Luther and Other Lutherans
Soto Zen Text Project The Soto Zen Text Project is an initiative of the International Division of the Administrative Headquarters of Soto Zen Buddhism (Sōtōshū Shūmuchō) that seeks to provide materials for the international study and practice of Soto Zen.
Wikisource A free library that anyone can improve. Close to 300.000 texts in English; and many other languages as well.
Internet Global History Sourcebook It contains many sources. The global history shows the interaction between cultures; they are also many country and period source collections. From Fordham University.
Necrometrics – Source List and Detailed Death Tolls for Man-made Multicides throughout History If you consider it rude to reduce human suffering to cold statistics, you don't have to. Turn away now.
American History, University of Houston Web Project. Very organized website with timelines, original texts, teaching handouts, and more.
ChatGPT and OpenAI: The next version of AI.
Google Trends: What are people searching for?
Internet Archive and Wayback Machine History of the Internet, Various collections.
Literature & Poetry
Literature Network 3000 full books and over 4000 short stories and poems by over 250 authors. Our quotations database has over 8500 quotes.
LyrikLine – Poetry in many Languages At the moment presents 789 poets, 7152 poems, 55 mother tongues and 9377 translations into 55 languages.
The Modern World – Literature It is a large network of literary sites dedicated to exploring twentieth century writers who have pushed the envelope of traditional narrative and structure.
Math & Logic
The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences® (OEIS®. This is a handbook for number sequences, “the master index to mathematics.”
Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind of Science. The book is online now!
Lesswrong : a community dedicated to improving our reasoning and decision-making. LessWrong is a place to 1) develop and train rationality, and 2) apply one’s rationality to real-world problems.
MIRI: The Machine Intelligence Research Institute is a research nonprofit studying the mathematical underpinnings of intelligent behavior. Mission: developing tools for the design and analysis of general-purpose AI systems.
MSRI: Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Established in 1982 in Berkeley, California Located above the campus of the University of Berkeley, it is an independent non-profit research institute Sponsored by approximately 100 universities and institutions around the world.
Clay Mathematics Institute Dedicated to increasing and disseminating mathematical knowledge.
Knotplot: Knot theory, pictures, links. This page is part of the KnotPlot Site, where you'll find many more pictures of knots and links as well as MPEG animations and lots of things to download.
Math Answers It's a very user-friendly site that answers your math questions, and has nice introductions.
Mathologger Educational Videos about Mathematics
MIT Open Course ware MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity.
Mountain Math Software Information and speculation on physics, mathematics and philosophy. Has very good introductions.
Numberphile: Interesting video clips about Math. Numberphile is produced by video journalist Brady Haran. The stars of the show include mathematicians and other guests from around the world.
The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive The history of mathematics, biographies of many mathematicians. Very comprehensive.
The Prime Pages Prime number research, records, and resources
Numbers Magic: Surprising Patterns in Numbers
Wolfram MathWorld MathWorld is the web's most extensive mathematical resource, provided as a free service to the world's mathematics and internet communities as part of a commitment to education and educational outreach by Wolfram Research, makers of Mathematica.
Morgenland This music video channel is a blend of Middle-Eastern and European music, created by a German music project in Osnabrück.
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy The best philosophical resource on the web. High-quality essays about all major topics. Very academic.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP) Another excellent resource for philosophy on the web.
Resources for Classicists. Links to texts, University Departments, Databases, Course Materials, etc.
Early Modern Philosophy: Texts with Audio, some 19th Century as well.
Daily Nous provides news for and about the philosophy profession, useful information for academic philosophers, links to items of interest elsewhere, and an online space for philosophers to publicly discuss it all.
1000 Word Philosophy: Articles about various philosophical topics in 1000 words.
History of Philosophy Podcasts Peter Adamson, Professor of Philosophy at the LMU in Munich and at King's College London, takes listeners through the history of philosophy, The series looks at the ideas, lives and historical context of the major philosophers.
Internet History Sourcebooks Project The Internet History Sourcebooks Project is a collection of public domain and copy-permitted historical texts presented cleanly (classroom-ready) for educational use. From Fordham University.
Philosophy Pages This site offers helpful information for students of the Western philosophical tradition, from an experienced philosophy teacher.
PhilPapers PhilPapers is a comprehensive index and bibliography of philosophy maintained by the community of philosophers. Using advanced trawling techniques and large scale crowdsourcing, we monitor all sources of research content in philosophy, including journals,
Philweb Bibliographical Archive – Theoretical Resources. PhilWeb aims to make available to researchers a variety of resources, for example bibliographies, definitions and surveys of particular theorists, movements, periods, regions and topics, as well as links to other sites.
Philosophy Podcasts. Created by Christopher Long. These podcasts explore contemporary issues in dialogue with ancient Greek philosophy. Most of the podcasts are interviews; it is an interesting and professional series of conversations.
Visualizing the History of Philosophy. An interesting project which contains a lot of information, easy to access from a birds-eye viewpoint. Created by Deniz Cem Önduygu.
The Periodic Table - Great website to explore the basic materials of the universe.
Complexity Explorer. Exploration of Complexity through Tutorials and classes; created by the Santa Fe Institute.
Albert Einstein Misc info, bio, and quotes. Many photos.
An aggregator site for science blogs Your one-stop shop for the most recent science blogging.
Mountain Math Software Information and speculation on physics, mathematics and philosophy. Has very good introductions.
NewScientist New Scientist reports, explores and interprets the results of human endeavour set in the context of society and culture.
Online Learning: Fun With Physics! It's a wonderful and fun teaching resource to learn about motion, gravity, light, heat, and magnetism.
Open Source Physics. Teach yourself physics at home
Particle Physics Introduction. Interactive Tour of Particle Physics
Physics Research Physics provides daily online-only news and commentary about Physics. The website is aimed at the reader who wants to keep up with highlights of physics research with explanations that don't rely on jargon and technical detail. – Science, Physics, Tech, Nano, News. Topics include physics, earth science, medicine, nanotechnology, electronics, space, biology, chemistry, computer sciences, engineering, mathematics and other sciences and technologies.
The "Official String Theory Web Site." Discuss string theory and alternative theories of quantum gravity.
Political Theory
Crooked Timber. Out of the crooked timber of humanity no straight thing was ever made. THat's the slogan for this leftist theory website.
Marxists Internet Archive The best resource for Marxist texts on the Internet.
PEP - Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing: A Psychoanalytic Library at your fingertips. Thousands of Books, Articles, and Videos.
Freud Library. Texts from Freud in different languages. Well-done project to make original Freud texts accessible in different languages.
Lacan entziffern. German Lacan resources and articles. Collection of essays and translations for Jacques Lacan, in German. Best Lacan Website in German!
Reference The Facebook for Academics. Large collection of papers. is a platform for academics to share research papers. The numbers are staggering, but the website is privately owned and one of those California startups. Free Scientific Journals online. Open access to 1,356,665 e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance, Statistics, Electrical Engineering and Systems Science, and Economics It publishes the classics of literature, nonfiction, and reference free of charge. Great Resource.
Open Directory Project (Edit) The Open Directory Project is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. It is constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors
Perseus Digital Library This text collection covers the history, literature and culture of the Greco-Roman world. They extend their approach now from the Classics to other subjects within the humanities and beyond.
Public Library of Science. PLOS is a nonprofit organization created to serve the interests of scientists and the public good. In contrast to more closed publication models, openness inspires how we think about science and publishing. ThoughtCo is a reference site with a focus on expert-created education content. One of the top 10 information sites on the Internet.
Wikipedia Wikipedia is probably the most popular website on the Internet, it ais an easy way to get information about anything really fast.
Wikisource. A free library that anyone can improve. Close to 300.000 texts in English; and many other languages as well.
Wolfram Alpha Computational Search Engine Wolfram|Alpha introduces a fundamentally new way to get knowledge and answers— not by searching the web, but by doing dynamic computations based on a vast collection of built-in data, algorithms, and methods.
An aggregator site for science blogs Your one-stop shop for the most recent science blogging. Free Scientific Journals online Open access to 1,356,665 e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance, Statistics, Electrical Engineering and Systems Science, and Economics
Infinite Ink Writing and publishing about computing, mathematics, science, and philosophy.
NewScientist New Scientist reports, explores and interprets the results of human endeavour set in the context of society and culture.
Online Learning: Fun With Physics! It's a wonderful and fun teaching resource to learn about motion, gravity, light, heat, and magnetism.
ScienceBlogs Edited blogs: We have selected our 80+ bloggers based on their originality, insight, talent, and dedication and how we think they would contribute to the discussion at ScienceBlogs.
Wolfram Alpha Computational Search Engine Wolfram|Alpha introduces a fundamentally new way to get knowledge and answers— not by searching the web, but by doing dynamic computations based on a vast collection of built-in data, algorithms, and methods.
Theology & Religion
Bible Gateway The Bible Gateway is a tool for reading and researching scripture online -- all in the language or translation of your choice! It provides advanced searching capabilities, which allow readers to find and compare particular passages in scripture,
How to do Zazen Soto Zen Project in Japan
Project Wittenberg Texts by and About Martin Luther and Other Lutherans
Theravada Buddhism – Access to Insight. Buddhist text collections. Access to Insight is an Internet website dedicated to providing accurate, reliable, and useful information concerning the practice and study of Theravada Buddhism, as it has been handed down to us through both the written word of the Pali canon.